Physical Health

Men suffer from some physical conditions more than women. Leading causes of premature death in men include heart-related diseases and various forms of cancer – especially lung and prostate cancer – stroke, diabetes and suicide. Many of these conditions are preventable and these resources might be the place to start.

Too many blokes don’t seek help when they have a health hassle until it gets really bad.  These resources may help you to seek help when it can be most effective.

Organisation Description Contact Information

Safe, practical health information and advice.

healthdirect is a free service supported by the governments of Australia

The National Men’s Shed organisation.

They provide health information that is relevant to men in Australia.

Foundation 49 is a not-for-profit Men’s Health Promotion initiative of Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. It promotes good health and wellbeing in all men through the Decades of Life.

Andrology is the study of the functions and diseases specific to males, especially of the reproductive organs (e.g., prostate, testicles). The equivalent to gynaecology for women.