Mosman Park Men's Community Shed
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Leadership Groups
The Mosman Park Men’s Shed has a strong committee and management system to run this impressive facility. Members are elected to the Committee at the AGM each year and serve one year terms taking on the various roles that are needed to keep a dynamic organisation performing for the benefit of members. There are also a group of skilled Overseers who manage day to day operations within sections or task areas of the workshops. There are many special interest groups being run by different members of the shed and they each have a coordinator who runs the activities within the particular interest group, reporting to the Management Committee.
Any of these members can contacted via the Shed office on email: admin@mpms.org.au; tel: 9383 3354 or by post: 1 Perrott Close, Mosman Park 6012.
The current management structure (2024) is:
Apart from the obvious opportunities in the shed such as metalwork and woodwork, there are many activities going on among members who find a common interest and set up spaces and times to enjoy whatever this is. The current known groups operating from the Mosman Park Men’s Shed are:
Interest Group Leader
Bee Group John McLoughlin / Bob Grocke
Gardening Mike Ansell
Leisure Activities
Music Bruce Varley
Photography Not active