Becoming A Member

It's almost like getting on a bus! We do recommend that you come to the Shed, have a chat and look around the facilities before you decide one way or another - it's always nice to feel the width of the material first! You can also discover whether the Mosman Park Shed is the right one for you as different Sheds cover different skills


Our membership periods are based on the financial year, with full year memberships starting on July 1st each year currently being: 

  • Full year membership $120 (July 1st - June 30th)
  • Half year membership $90 (January 1st - June 30th)
  • Quarter year membership $60 (April 1st - June 30th)

How do I Join?

To become a member you can either create an on-line account by logging in to the site (top right) using your email address and then completing the on-line application form which proceeds into a payment section (Credit Card only) or you can simply come into the Shed, see one of our friendly Overseers, fill in the Application Form and pay the appropriate fee (cash, card or cheque). Membership renewals can also be made on-line by logging in with your email address (your details are already stored in the site). You will need to access your email account whilst setting up the password.  Also see the Memberships page.

After you become a member you will be required to complete a Shed orientation and further equipment training if you wish to use the workshops and tools. See the Orientation & Training page for more details.